Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Part IV - The Rescue

Endar dives behind a boulder near the gates of Skingrad as three Imperial Legion officers galop by on horses. He hears faint yelling inside the city. "Halt," orders the officer on the light gray horse. Endar tries to hide himself as much as possible. The officer jumps off of his horse and walks toward the boulder where Endar is hiding.
Minutes go by as the officer seems to ponder something, he then looks at the boulder and lets out a cackle.
The city gates open slowly and beyond them are two gaurds dragging an elven woman in shackles toward the officer outside.
Endar sets his eyes on this woman's smooth dark blue skin and beaming red eyes. She seems so familiar to him and he suddenly realizes, this is the woman from his dream.
"Let me go, imperial dogs," she yells as the elbows one of the guards in the nose. The guard reacts by slapping her in the face and knocking her down onto her knees, "Stupid dunmer, you're all trouble."
After Endar witnesses this violence against her, he tightens his fist and stands up quickly. The officer, not surprised that Endar was there, lets out a loud laugh, "Well look here men, he took the bait. Take him!"
Endar quickly moves his eyes around and counts 5 gaurds and the officer, this will be a challenge at best. One of the men lunges at Endar and another drops the elven woman and draws his sword. Endar sidesteps the first guard's lunge and brings his fist up into the man's chest, knocking him to the ground. The second gaurd's blade is thrust toward Endar and he swiftly kicks up and knocks the blade out of the guard's hand.
The three gaurds behind the officer start groaning and then their sounds escelate to cries of pain. All three of them dissapear into thin air. The officer spins around and glances around in disbelief and draws his large steel claymore from the sheath on his back.
Endar takes this quick respite to run over to the woman and help her up, he wraps his arms around her to protect her, "Are you okay?"
"Yes... I am fine, Endar"
Endar gives a strange look at the woman as he does not know how she knows his name. He does not have much time to ponder this as he hears a horse neighing but does not see a horse.
A strong, cold wind blows by as a jet black horse appears, his rider wearing long pitch black robes and a black hood. The horse reers up and kicks the officer in the face, knocking him down onto the boulder. The officer screams as his back breaks on the hard stone.
"Lucien! Mayhap i wasn't dreaming after all," says the officer as he looses more breath as he tries to talk."Quiet yourself, Ormellius. Even dreams must be heeded. You are a fool for not listening to my warning, now you must pay the price."
"He will not get far, the entire Imperial Legion is out looking for this one boy."
Lucien cackles and draws a black bow and readies an arrow, points it right at Ormellius's head, "You poor fool, this one boy is more important to this world then anyone could imagine. Go, be in peace."
The arrow penetrates the officer's head and kills him instantly.
"By the gods, this just keeps getting more interesting as time goes by," Endar says and rolls his eyes. Lucien dismounts and walks toward Endar and the woman. "Eveen, you must take Endar to the imperial city. Chancellor Ocato will know what to do to get his name cleared."
"Are you insane Lucien," says Eveen to the black robed man. "There are Legion everwhere inside that city.
"No worries, you are under the protection of the Black Hand. We have agents everywhere," Lucien says then glances behind him. "There is no time, take my steed, Shadowmere and head to the city," Lucien turns around to walk away but turns his head toward Endar, "You must survive all this. I know this is all alot to take in, but it must be done. You will have the fate of both worlds in your hands by the time this is all finished."
Endar, still pondering all of what is going on before him musters out a question for Lucien, "What was that creature i saw in the prison?"
Lucien laughes and replies, "Ahh, the dremora knight Kathutet. Do not fear him, he dare not start anything in the middle of the imperial capital city. Now, go!"
Lucien walks away and dissapears into thin air.
Eveen jumps up and mounts Shadowmere, she extends her open hand toward Endar, standing there in deep thought, not sure if he can even believe all this. Is this all just a dream? It seems so real. Oh well, he must go on, if what Lucien says is correct, it will ALL be up to him in the end. Endar looks up at Eveen and she shoots him a beautiful smile and he takes her hand and jumps up onto Shadowmere.
She looks back and looks into Endar's eyes, "Thank you."

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Part III - Creatures In the Night

"No, it really is no trouble, sir. I'm just a stable boy running errands at the Imperial City anyway. It's a real pleasure to help out a fellow elf, especially a dark elf," the altmer named Tilmos says as Endar dismounts the beautiful brown Bay horse in front of Skingrad's Grateful Pass Stables.
The first thing Endar notices walking through Skingrad's enormous west gate is the huge walls on either side of him. The city is divided into two sections, north and south. Skingrad sports one of Cyrodiil's biggest castles, which is the only castle to lie outside of it's city's walls.
Two imperial men, who were armed with steel weaponry and bearing the mark of a red crescent moon on their chest plates walk up to Endar.
"Halt dunmer. We know why you come to Skingrad. We will escort you to the castle. The count would like to have a word with you immediately," says one of the guards as he walks in front of Endar, leading him through the city, out the East gate, and on towards the castle.
Skingrad's castle is huge, resting on the top of a hill outside of the city. The castle is a quarter the size of Skingrad itself.
The torches along the edges of the bridge leading to the castle's courtyard doors seem to light magically as the sun sets.
After walking through the castle doors, Endar follows a red carpet all the way to what seems like a dead end; a staircase to the left, and a few dining tables to the right. Endar really hasn't seen too many castles in his lifetime, but this one seems to lack a throne room. The room he stands in seems gloomy, and he can sense a presense.
An argonian walks up to him after walking down the staircase, "Greetings, Endar, the count has been expecting you. My name is Hal-Liurz, personal aide to Count Hassildor," the lizard like person says with a female voice. It's so hard to tell genders when it comes to argonians.
"Please have a seat and the count will be down as soon as he can," says Hal-Liurz as she turns around and walks up the stairs.
Hours pass as Endar patiently waits and he finally falls to sleep sitting at one of the dinner tables.

Endar opens his eyes, and sees a beautiful green plain on a huge island. He feels a peacefullness here. This is home. The prison, the Imperial city, Skingrad, it was all a dream. A beautiful elven woman runs up to Endar and throws her arms around him.
"Endar. Wake up! They took your wife," cries a familiar Khajiit without ears behind the woman. It's the man from the prison yard.

Endar opens his eyes again, his head down, sitting in a familiar wooden chair. He slams his fist down onto the table in Skingrad castle hard, realizing this is not a dream. He looks up to see a man in a beauitful black and gold coat standing next to him.
"I mean you no harm, i apologize if i startled you, i get that alot," the man says to him. This must be the count.
Endar stands quickly to show respect and Count Hassildor smiles, showing that he has two razor sharp fangs, making Endar take a step back out of fear.
"Again, sir, i mean you no harm. However, do not let the warden decieve you. He works for forces far more evil than you can understand. You will have to trust one of us, but i assure you, I will reward you greatly," the count says in a calm, relaxing voice. "Noone knows of my condition, and that's the way it should stay. However, certain said forces want my kind wiped out from the face of Cyrodiil. I cannot have this, as we bring a certain balance to the region. My kind stays away from you as long as the peace is kept. There is a vampire hunter named Eridor on his way to Bloodcrust Cavern to slay my kind hiding out in that cave. You are to stop him at all costs. If you are cought by the city guard, i cannot help you as to not expose my true identity. The cave is just southeast of this very castle, so be on your way. I trust you will make the right decision."
Feeling compelled to leave quickly out of the castle, Endar turns and quickly walks out, looking back only once at the count. Hassildor nods his head and Endar realizes that this man can be trusted.
A few minutes later, Endar walks up to a man standing outside of Bloodcrust Cavern's wooden door.
"Excuse me, you're a dark elf, you must be the one the Imperial warden sent us to help get rid of these virmin infesting this cave. I am Carsten," says the man, who carries a steel longsword in his hand. Endar then hears screaming coming from inside the cave. Carsten quickly turns to open the door and the door explodes open and a man jumps out through the splintered wood flying in every direction. The man seems to be driven by his thirst for blood and punches Carsten in the stomach, making him colapse to the ground. The man then pulls Carsten's limp body back into the cave, and Endar unsheaths his iron shortsword and follows slowly.
It's very dark inside the cavern and Endar hears hissing and voices all around him. It's too dark to safely walk so he stops in his tracks when he hears a voice from the darkness, "Welcome, Endar, we know why you are here."
Endar wonders how everyone knows what he's doing or where he's going.
Candles are lit within the cavern to reveal ten vampires standing around him and two imperial men bound in heavy ropes. the voice he heard just seconds ago speaks again, from behind him this time, "You are a great man of noble blood, and it would be unwise of you to take these stupid hunters' side. I alone could kill you before you even start swinging that toy you call a sword."
Endar feels a hand on his shoulder and breathing in his ear, "and i very much doubt you would like to become one of us. So, do the right thing and cut the throats of these men so we may have dinner tonight," he says as he chuckles and half of the other vampires laugh and the other half hiss.
Endar hesitates as he holds the tip of his sword up to Carsten's neck. "Come on, boy, kill him," yells the vampire now standing shoulder to shoulder next to Endar. The vampire smacks Endar in the face. "That doesn't feel too good does it? Now, kill him!"
"Enough," a familiar voice from behind endar shouts and the all the vampires in the cavern back up to the walls. The count walks around Endar and behind the tied up men. "I can sense you trust me, Endar, but i can still smell your fear. I know personally that destiny is a very fickle thing indeed. Mayhap it is your destiny to return home after your trials here, maybe it is not. Yes, i know about the place you call home. Rolling fields of green grass, enormous trees, and a very bright sun. I have been there myself, Endar, to visit the ruler of that island, Sheogorath. Mayhap it is not your destiny to return there, seeing as you were not born there. I know you do not remember this world, but you were born here and taken to the Shivering Isles as a boy, to protect you. You were thrown into that rat infested prison because the Legion fears you!" Hassildor lifts up the two hunters' heads by their hair, "These men fear you as well. Not only are you a dunmer, but you are also the child.. of a vampire."
Endar's eyes widen suddenly and he drops his sword and stares at the count.
"You, Endar, are not one of us, and I have no intention of changing that. However, I must know where your loyalties lie. Will you slay my kind here in this cavern," as he says this, the man who punched Endar hisses loudly and proclaims, "He would be dead before his hand touches his sword..." The count turns his head towards the vampire and his eyes turn jet black, "SILENCE," shouts the count in a deep, booming voice and the vampire backs away.
"...Or will you trust me and kill these men who work for a man who intends on handing you over to those evil forces that i mentioned before?"
The bound and gaged men in front of endar shake their heads in fear. Endar ponders his father's past and what effect it has on the future. Why should Endar be blamed for his father's past? Why should anyone but Endar decide his future? Endar stoops down, picks up his sword and quickly and unremorsely cuts Carsten's throat as his body falls dead on the ground. Endar puts the tip of his blade up to Eridor's throat and reaches down and rips off the gag in his mouth.
"You cannot escape the Legion! We will hunt you to the ends of this continent. You will be safe nowhere," cries Eridor as he strugles to get out of the ropes. a vampire kicks Eridor in the back of his neck. He cries out in pain as Endar's sword cuts accross his throat swiftly. Endar drops the sword onto the ground in front of Eridor's now dead body and glances at the count. Hassildor smiles, baring his fangs and nods his head once again.
Endar then slowly turns around and walks out of the cavern.

Part II - The Warden

"This must be your lucky day, prisoner," says the guard as he escorts Endar up the old brick stairs to the warden's office.
As the guard sits Endar down in the wooden chair in front of a desk, an imperial man in legion uniform walks in.. this must be the warden. A tall man in a dark green hooded robe walks in behind him, but Endar cannot see this mans face.
Worried and a little scared, Endar looks behind the man into the prison yard and sees a Khajiit man shackled to a brick wall, blood seeping out of his head from his ears, which have been cut off. He has the most fearful expression on his face that Endar has ever seen.
The robed man notices Endar looking outside and quickly closes the door.
The warden sits in a padded chair behind his desk and the tall man stands behind him. He chuckles and looks toward Endar, "Ahh, Endar Telvanni, heir of the great House Telvanni in Marrowind. Until you met me, that is. If you desire your freedom, you will become the Legion's little errand boy for a short period of time."
"This is complete nonsense. I did nothing wrong, what in Oblivion am i even in here for," argues Endar. The hooded man slams his fist down onto the warden's desk. Endar catches a glimps of his hand, which is scared and cracked. His fingernails are long which are stained with blood.
The warden puts up his hand as to dismiss the tall man from his anger, and the man pulls his hand back.
"You shall not speak. I am the one asking questions. Are you fit to slay... beasts," asks the warden kind of cocking an eyebrow as to imply that he is hiding something.
"Mayhap i am."
"Then you will travel to Skingrad and slay some of these.. blood thirsty inhuman beasts," the warden orders and he knocks on the desk three times and the door opens behind him, leading out into the Imperial City. Endar stands and starts to walk out the door. He is given a set of light iron armor and a short steel sword.
Endar looks over the equipment, almost disgusted that it's not even half as strong as the equipment he had just a day ago, he turns toward the warden as to protest and the tall hooded man, as if he knows what Endar is thinking, leans forward over the desk. Endar can only see the man's teeth, which are sharp and jagged and stained red, and his lips, chapped and cracked.
"If you do not do this, you will end up like that THING you saw in the yard. So mayhap you shall be on your way," the man says in an intimidating, raspy and demonic voice.
Startled, remembering the poor Khajiit, bleeding and dying.. he quickly walks out the door and towards the huge double doors leading into the grand Imperial City.

Part I - Arrival

On a lone island in the middle of the Lower Niben, Endar stumbles out of a strange door glowing a magical blue color. He breathes heavily, falls to his knees and slips off his Madness Helm, sets it next to him...
"Who are you," he asks as he looks at a man dressed in what looks like light armor.
"I am Gaius, I am guarding that door you just came out of. You were in there... You are one of them.. Nevertheless, are you well?"
"Nay, I am wounded," Endar states as he collapses onto his back and stares up at the blue skies of this place he seems to never been to before.
"Where am I?"
"On an island in the Niben, just east of Bravil," answers Gaius.
"What is Bravil? Ahh, no need to answer, I'll find out for myself. Looks like i'm going to get a good swim in today," Endar sarcastically says as he stands, puts his Madness Helm back on and looks to the west. He starts running and takes a dive into the water..

It is the 15th day of Last Seed, in the year 433. That's according to the calendar hanging on the wall of the Legion Offices. The Commander is sitting at a wooden desk, looking at documents, almost searching for something as Guard Captain Hieronymus Lex walks in.
"Commander, sir, i think you'll want to read this letter from our guard on the island near Bravil," says Hieronymus as he hands the commander a hastily written letter.
The commander grabs the letter and reads it as Hieronymus looks down at the floor and sees papers everywhere. Looks like the commander is worried about something or someone, but he is most definitely troubled about something.
"Sir, if there is anything i can..."
"Impossible," exclaims the commander, cutting off Hieronymus mid-sentence.
The commander looks up at the ceiling with a blank stare, almost looking like he's in deep thought. Suddenly, turns his head to Hieronymus and says, "Captain Lex, inform Count Terentius of Bravil to place his guard on full alert. To watch for a man in a steel colored heavy armor. Also, remind them that this man must be captured and brought here, alive."
"Yes sir, right away..."
A Imperial legion officer enters the room and faces the commander, "Sir Jauffre is here to speak with you."
The commander gets up, but as he walks away, he stops and looks at Hieronymus, "What are you still doing here? Get that message to the Count of Bravil. Immediately!" The commander then walks out of the office.
As Hieronymus turns to leave, an old looking piece of paper on the commander's desk catches his eye...
Endar Telvanni - Wanted Alive - Escaped Prison in 421 - Armed & Dangerous

Endar walks through the gate of Bravil, with his Madness Helmet under his left arm, his auburn shoulder length hair still damp from the swim through the Niben. Two men dressed in light armor, carrying steel longswords and shields with what looks like a deer in the middle, step in front of Endar as he walks into Bravil. These must be the town guards.
"Greetings dunmer, welcome to Bravil. How may i assist you," asks one of the guards as the other eyes Endar's longsword sheathed at his hip.
Endar looks at the inquiring guard, "I have no idea where i am... I guess i am looking for an inn or somewhere i can comfortably sleep for the night."
"Silverhome on the Water is a good place to sleep and eat," says the guard as he points over his shoulder to a small house looking building right behind them.
"Thank you," says Endar as he starts to walk towards the building that the guard pointed at.
As Endar walked into the inn, he looked back to catch both guards still staring at him, he then walks in and closes the door behind him.
"Welcome to Silverhome on the Water. My name is Gilgondorin, what can i do for you today?"
"I would like a warm bed to rest in for the night, and mayhap a cold glass of water," replies.
"Ok, that will be 25 gold for the room and water please," demands Gilgondorin.
Endar looks around, "Mayhap this was not a good idea, I do not have any currency of this land."
Gilgondorin shrugs, letting Endar know that without the gold, he's not going to sleep here tonight. Endar lowers his head a bit and turns to walk out of the inn.
"Psst, dunmer," whispers an Orc from a table in the corner, "I see that you are out of gold. Mayhap you will sell me that helmet you are carrying for 500 gold?"
Endar looks down at his helmet in his arm, realizing that it would be well worth five thousand gold in this land. It seems like he is going to need all the gold he can get to be able to do anything while he is here. "Ok, you got it."
The tall orc stands, takes out a bag tied around his bicep and gives it to Endar. Endar then reluctantly gives the orc the Madness Helmet.
Endar opens the bag he was given and finds five hundred small golden coins with an Imperial man's head engraved in them, with 'One Septim' printed across the bottom of each coin.
"Here is your 25 gold," Endar states as he hands Gilgondorin 25 of these golden coins.
"Thank you, here is your water and the key to your room for the night, it's upstairs. Enjoy your stay here at Silverhome on the Water."
Endar walks up the stairs and opens the first door he finds. He takes off all of his Madness armor and sets it on the floor. A loud clank is heard as the heavy armor and longblade are set on the floor.
He drinks the glass of water and sets the empty glass on the dresser next to the hastily made bed in the corner of the small room. He sits on the edge of the bed, dressed in nothing but his undergarments. He breathes a breath of relief and lays down, setting his head softly on the pillow at the head of the bed.
Eight hours pass by, the entire time, Endar is tossing and turning, as if he is having a nightmare.
A familiar voice calls out to him, "Endar! Awake! Wake up Endar! The Knights of Order are here!"
Endar sits up suddenly, "Where are they?!" Awake and in a cold sweat, He then wipes the sweat from his face and glances in the corner to notice that his armor and blade are not where he put it, in fact, they're nowhere in this room.
He looks up to see a Bravil town guard standing just inside of his room, behind him stand two more guards outside the open door of his room.
"Who is they? No matter. Endar Telvanni, let's take a trip to the castle. You are no longer welcome here."

Gilgondorin, resting in his wooden chair behind the lobby desk of Silverhome on the Water, opens his eyes to see three town guards carrying the dark elf - who rented a room and water the night before - down the stairs toward him.
Audens Avidius, Imperial watch captain, walks up to the desk, "Here, kind altmer, is compensation for this disturbance." Audens then hands Gilgondorin 200 gold coins.
As the three Bravil guards carry Endar's unconcious body outside, Brokil gro-Shatur, an orc man yells out to a small crowd gathered around him, "I have the helmet of the great Telvanni family!"
Audens walks up to Brokil and takes the madness helmet from his hand, "Not anymore, orc. This is Imperial property now, evidence."
"I bought that from that dunmer you have there, for five hundred gold!"
Audens throws his head back and laughs, putting the helmet under his arm, he walks away, escorting the guards carrying Endar.
"Change of plan men, we take this one straight to the Imperial Prison. My men are outside the city gates to take his body to the Imperial City."
"Sir, with all due respect, our orders from the count were to bring Endar to him first."
"I can make sure you never work for any town guard for the rest of your life if you do not follow my orders," Audens says with an intimidating look on his face.

"We must stop their leader before he reaches the gate to Cyrodiil or both realms will be surely destroyed! Endar. Hey! Endar? Wake up!"

Endar wakes up in a sweat. He is in a very small room, dirt floors, brick walls, and a barred door. He must be in the Imperial Prison. What is he doing here, he wonders.
An imperial prison guard walks up to the cell door and opens it.
"Dunmer, come with me! You're going to have a little talk with the warden."