Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Part IV - The Rescue

Endar dives behind a boulder near the gates of Skingrad as three Imperial Legion officers galop by on horses. He hears faint yelling inside the city. "Halt," orders the officer on the light gray horse. Endar tries to hide himself as much as possible. The officer jumps off of his horse and walks toward the boulder where Endar is hiding.
Minutes go by as the officer seems to ponder something, he then looks at the boulder and lets out a cackle.
The city gates open slowly and beyond them are two gaurds dragging an elven woman in shackles toward the officer outside.
Endar sets his eyes on this woman's smooth dark blue skin and beaming red eyes. She seems so familiar to him and he suddenly realizes, this is the woman from his dream.
"Let me go, imperial dogs," she yells as the elbows one of the guards in the nose. The guard reacts by slapping her in the face and knocking her down onto her knees, "Stupid dunmer, you're all trouble."
After Endar witnesses this violence against her, he tightens his fist and stands up quickly. The officer, not surprised that Endar was there, lets out a loud laugh, "Well look here men, he took the bait. Take him!"
Endar quickly moves his eyes around and counts 5 gaurds and the officer, this will be a challenge at best. One of the men lunges at Endar and another drops the elven woman and draws his sword. Endar sidesteps the first guard's lunge and brings his fist up into the man's chest, knocking him to the ground. The second gaurd's blade is thrust toward Endar and he swiftly kicks up and knocks the blade out of the guard's hand.
The three gaurds behind the officer start groaning and then their sounds escelate to cries of pain. All three of them dissapear into thin air. The officer spins around and glances around in disbelief and draws his large steel claymore from the sheath on his back.
Endar takes this quick respite to run over to the woman and help her up, he wraps his arms around her to protect her, "Are you okay?"
"Yes... I am fine, Endar"
Endar gives a strange look at the woman as he does not know how she knows his name. He does not have much time to ponder this as he hears a horse neighing but does not see a horse.
A strong, cold wind blows by as a jet black horse appears, his rider wearing long pitch black robes and a black hood. The horse reers up and kicks the officer in the face, knocking him down onto the boulder. The officer screams as his back breaks on the hard stone.
"Lucien! Mayhap i wasn't dreaming after all," says the officer as he looses more breath as he tries to talk."Quiet yourself, Ormellius. Even dreams must be heeded. You are a fool for not listening to my warning, now you must pay the price."
"He will not get far, the entire Imperial Legion is out looking for this one boy."
Lucien cackles and draws a black bow and readies an arrow, points it right at Ormellius's head, "You poor fool, this one boy is more important to this world then anyone could imagine. Go, be in peace."
The arrow penetrates the officer's head and kills him instantly.
"By the gods, this just keeps getting more interesting as time goes by," Endar says and rolls his eyes. Lucien dismounts and walks toward Endar and the woman. "Eveen, you must take Endar to the imperial city. Chancellor Ocato will know what to do to get his name cleared."
"Are you insane Lucien," says Eveen to the black robed man. "There are Legion everwhere inside that city.
"No worries, you are under the protection of the Black Hand. We have agents everywhere," Lucien says then glances behind him. "There is no time, take my steed, Shadowmere and head to the city," Lucien turns around to walk away but turns his head toward Endar, "You must survive all this. I know this is all alot to take in, but it must be done. You will have the fate of both worlds in your hands by the time this is all finished."
Endar, still pondering all of what is going on before him musters out a question for Lucien, "What was that creature i saw in the prison?"
Lucien laughes and replies, "Ahh, the dremora knight Kathutet. Do not fear him, he dare not start anything in the middle of the imperial capital city. Now, go!"
Lucien walks away and dissapears into thin air.
Eveen jumps up and mounts Shadowmere, she extends her open hand toward Endar, standing there in deep thought, not sure if he can even believe all this. Is this all just a dream? It seems so real. Oh well, he must go on, if what Lucien says is correct, it will ALL be up to him in the end. Endar looks up at Eveen and she shoots him a beautiful smile and he takes her hand and jumps up onto Shadowmere.
She looks back and looks into Endar's eyes, "Thank you."

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